Part 1: Arches, Canyonlands + Moab

Part one of a week exploring in Arches & Canyonlands National Parks and Moab while camping off of dirt roads.


We’re sleeping in the middle of nowhere Utah tonight. Not really, we’re in between Moab and Dead Horse State Park off 2 dirt roads. You’re allowed to camp here but there are no facilities or set spots. Just open rocky land with views of red rocks in all directions. Coming down the dirt road to get here was super bumpy and sketchy because our car is so low. We heated up leftover calzones as the sun set and everything glowed. Now the full moon is up. I’m thinking we should cancel our Airbnb in a few days. It felt like we would never find a camping spot tonight, I guess because it’s Friday. Everywhere we were looking was full. We had heard about a lot of campsites along the Colorado River but the weekend warriors got there before us. Now I’m feeling really lucky that we ended up here.

Today we went to Arches National Park and hiked to Delicate Arch, the quintessential symbol of Utah. There were lots of people there waiting to take their pictures under the massive arch. The park is so big with endless land in every direction. We drove around the park a bit stopping at look out points. It is so crazy to see the snow topped La Sal mountains in the distance of the desert with yellow aspens glowing in between. I think it will be fun to explore the National Parks once the crowds are gone after this weekend.


We’re camping at the same spot as last night. So beautiful. Today we drove into Moab to go to the laundromat. It was nice to get some clean clothes and work done on the free wifi. I washed my face and brushed my teeth while we were there. Definitely due for a shower. Also, I cancelled the Airbnb so we can stay here for a little longer. We were hoping we wouldn’t have to come back down into Moab tomorrow but just realized we will not have enough water for another full day and night up here. Maybe we can shower tomorrow.

After laundry we went grocery shopping and then ate sandwiches overlooking red rocks and the La Sal mountains. Then we drove into Canyonlands National Park, which is just 20 minutes down the road from where we’re sleeping. We got there around 4 and drove around to 3 or 4 different view points, being totally amazed at each one. It’s so crazy to stand at the edge and look down into the canyon. One of the stops, Mesa Arch, perfectly framed the canyon and mountains. It was so low key and quiet compared to Arches yesterday.

The stars are insanely good here. It’s the land of camping, biking and hiking. Practically every millennial we pass has a bed built into their car or van. Everywhere we drive is just so beautiful it all feels like a park.

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Now I am waiting for Dan to get out of the shower at The LazyLizard Hostel. They only charge $3 for an unlimited time hot shower. We just did a really cool hike to the Morning Glory bridge on the Grandstaff Trail. It goes along a creek with huge red rocks towering over and bright yellow aspens throughout. The trail crosses through the creek multiple times. The rock colors and patterns were very inspiring especially all the stripes. It's a warm and sunny day and feels like spring with all the sun and colors. At the end of the trail is a big bridge/arch. It was really quiet on the trail even though the parking lot was completely full and it’s a Sunday. Afterwards we parked next to Colorado River and ate by the water.

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  • Camping off of Highway 313, turn right down dirt road for dispersed camping. Free with phone service and amazing views but no bathrooms. 20 minute drive to Canyonlands, 30 minute drive to Moab

  • Lazy Lizard Hostel for $3 showers in Moab

  • Morning Glory Bridge hike along Grandstaff Trail, across from Colorado River

Our campsite ended up providing the perfect backdrop for some of my new designs and an outdoor office to get some computer work done!

Emelia RuyleComment